Progressive Convergence rejects acts of violence in Plaza Italia: “It goes against social demand, generating mistrust in citizenship”


After the incidents that occurred last night in Plaza Italia – which caused damage to public infrastructure and a burned RED bus – the parties grouped in Progressive Convergence (PR, PPD and PS) issued a statement in which they condemned the acts of violence and argued that they are “against social demand, generating distrust in citizenship.”

“We support, as always, the legitimate right to assembly and to demonstrate publicly and peacefully, a first-generation human right. This public freedom cannot be restricted, nor can the use of force be disproportionately applied against protesters, as we have seen by the Carabineros on countless occasions in recent times ”, read in the first paragraph of the statement signed by the leaders of the communities Álvaro Elizalde (PS), Heraldo Muñoz (PPD) and Carlos Maldonado (PR).

In this sense, they argued that exercising this right to assembly and public freedom “It cannot be used for abuses by minority groups, who, taking advantage of these protest scenarios, carry out acts of violence and destruction of public and private property” and they added that “This goes against social demand, generating distrust in citizens. It is necessary to clarify who have perpetrated these acts and what their true intentions are “.

From the group they also assured that these situations “Apart from causing harm to small businesses and public furniture of utility of all citizens, they are functional to the right and supporters of the Rejection to generate unfounded fear regarding the constitutional process”.

“Today the challenge is to achieve a broad victory in the constitutional plebiscite, and to create the conditions for the people to vote without fear, without violence. Welcome to the demonstrations of the ‘Approve’ in Santiago and regions, as they have already been carried out for several days, respecting safety regulations and sanitary rules “concludes the statement.
