Primaries 2020: Term to excuse himself from the position of board member begins


This Monday The legal period has begun for all those designated as board members in the next 2020 Primary Elections, of candidates for regional governors and mayors, make excuses for not doing that role.

The procedure can be done until this Wednesday, November 11, in the electoral Board corresponding to the domicile.

What are the grounds for exemption? According to Servel, they are the following:

– Be 60 years of age or older.

– Perform as caregivers or caregivers of older adults or people with special needs and those who work in long-stay establishments for older adults (ELEAM).

– Pregnant women, throughout the gestation period.

– Being the member included among the causes of disability contemplated in article 45 of Law No. 18,700 or having been designated a member of the Scrutineer College.

More about 2020 primaries
  • Primaries 2020: Term to excuse himself from the position of board member begins
    Primary 2020: Term begins to excuse himself from the position of board member

– Being absent from the country or living in a distant location more than 300 kilometers or with which there are no expedited communications, a fact that will be qualified by the respective Electoral Board.

– Having to perform on the same days and hours of operation of the Tables, other functions entrusted by Law No. 18,700.

– Being physically or mentally unable to perform the function, a circumstance that must be accredited with a medical certificate.

– Carry out work in hospital establishments on the same days that the Suffrage Reception Tables operate, which must be certified by a certificate from the director of the respective health establishment.

– The woman is in the puerperium for up to twenty-four weeks following delivery, a circumstance that must be proven by means of a medical certificate, or with the documentation that proves that she is receiving the subsidy referred to in article 198 of the Labor Code.

It should be noted that the Electoral Boards will receive the excuses both in person and virtually. For this, the Servel made the necessary information available in this link.

Everybody The members must attend the constitution of tables on November 28, at 3:00 p.m., in their respective voting center.
