The break between the unions of El Teniente and the Federation of Copper Workers (FTC) continues to grow and has as its origin the quota for director in Codelco. And is that the seat that represents the workers of the state company has been free since April, after the historic leader Raimundo Espinoza left it.
The appointment of this is done directly by President Piñera and it has been delayed, because in the quina presented by the FTC there are leaders who are being investigated by the justice for the Seguros Case – both from unions in Chuquicamata-. This was from the beginning questioned by workers from El Teniente, in which it was requested that another quina be nominated. They even took the issue to the Labor Directorate (DT), a body that has already begun the investigation in case there were anti-union practices as denounced by El Teniente. With this, a new quina could be summoned.
For the leaders of that division, it has been positive that this director has not been appointed, since the quina must be changed. This morning they went personally to La Moneda with a letter to President Piñera, in which they referred to the issue.
“We are writing to your Excellency in order to report on the serious problems of representation and governance that exist within the FTC and also, to thank and support your decision not to appoint the representative of the Workers in the Codelco Board of Directors, attended to the antecedents that are exposed and that signify a serious violation of union democracy and the principles of Freedom of Association, and that has meant (even) that a complaint of anti-union practice has been filed against the FTC, its President Mr. Patricio Elgueta Jofré and Secretary General Mr. Héctor Milla González, ”the El Teniente workers accused.
In addition, they demand that an extraordinary council be held, which was suspended a few weeks ago by the FTC, on the grounds that it was risky due to Covid-19.
“It is deeply striking and that should be a matter for your Excellency’s knowledge, is that on October 8 of this present, Mr. Héctor Milla González, Secretary General of the FTC, sent a letter to all the union leaders of the FTC, stating a totally different position to the fundamentals of why we cannot develop an Extraordinary Congress, when convening a Press Conference and Union Action ”.
The FTC announced a massive mobilization for layoffs at Codelco and that they have no plans to leave. “We are particularly concerned about the guidelines of the current board of directors to face the labor situation of workers in the midst of the pandemic, which has even been used as a pretext to close or privatize areas in some divisions, outsourcing functions, without assisting people and leaving those who work in them totally unprotected, reactivating threats about dismissal, caused by the reduction of staff through retirement plans, through intimidation, harassment and work impairment, “they maintained from the Federation.