The president of the Party for Democracy, Heraldo Muñoz, criticized today the possibility that President Sebastián Piñera will deliver a speech to the citizens on the anniversary of October 18.
The helmsman of the PPD, called to “keep silence on an occasion like this” to the president. He pointed out that it could be taken as a “provocation”. This, since, in his opinion, “the President has been part of the problem.” However, the former foreign minister added that if the president also intervenes “that his speech should be based on unity.” “And without provoking, because these are extremely delicate times,” he added.
Right to demonstrate, “but in a peaceful way”
Regarding the various calls to mobilize during the Sunday session, Muñoz affirmed that citizens “must exercise the right to protest, the right to assembly, but in a peaceful manner.” He also acknowledged that the social protest made it possible to see deep gaps and unrest “Chile cannot wait, and I think that October 18 marked the need for this profound path,” he said.
Finally he referred to the plebiscite to be held next Sunday, October 25. The politician advocated that “we must move towards a great social pact.” “Where we can sit down workers and businessmen, academics, the government and the opposition, because Chile no longer resists the division,” he added.