Accompanied by three men, two of them escorts, President Sebastián Piñera walked without a mask and took photos with some people that were in the Cachagua Beach the afternoon of this Saturday.
Although most of the images were made with people who recognized him, according to the slogan The clinic, the President was the one who He approached the lifeguards at the spa and asked for a photo of one of them, who has Down syndrome, taking it with his own cell phone.
The portal also shared photographic records of the Head of State, who has a second home in Cachagua.
Piñera was seen without a mask just amid a rise in coronavirus infections which has led the Ministry of Health to insist that basic precautions be maintained to avoid regrowth in the summer season.
In fact, the Safe Beach Plan, launched by the Government a month ago, indicates that The use of a mask is mandatory at all times, except when entering the water, and when the person is not moving two or more meters away from another.
After the publication generated new criticism against Piñera on social networks, Presidency confirmed to Cooperativa only the presence of the Head of State in the sector, without commenting on their lack of protection.