President Sebastián Piñera announced this Wednesday the COVID-19 vaccination plan, which he hopes will start for risk groups and health personnel during the first months of 2021, and for the entire population, during the first semester.
According to the President, “we are going to develop the vaccination plan for Chile in three stages.” The first is for emergency vaccines, the second to immunize the entire population at risk, those over 65 years of age, chronically ill patients and health workers. And finally, “to the entire population, during the first half of next year”, he pointed.
Read more6,000 Sinovac vaccines against COVID-19 arrive this Wednesday in Chile
Likewise, he emphasized that as a government they want it to startthe first months of next year and we want to preferentially protect the risk group“, emphasizing that the speed of implementation of the plan” is subject to the corresponding authorizations “.
On the other hand, he highlighted the arrival of six thousand Sinovac vaccines to the country. “Today the first vaccines from the laboratory arrived in our country Sinovac for the clinical trials that this laboratory will carry out with the Catholic University and the New Millennium Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy (…) These trials are in addition to those already being carried out by the U of Chile and the one by Janssen and Johnson & Johnson “, added.
In addition, he specified that a new trial was approved between the University of Chile, the Las Condes Clinic and Astrazeneca.
“We all know that a safe, effective vaccine, available to all who need it, will make a huge and significant contribution to fighting the coronavirus and protecting our lives.“he added.
Finally, and regarding progress, the head of state stressed that “we have managed to four months of constant improvement and we have made significant progress in reducing the number of infections, in reducing active cases and critical patients ”.
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Despite this, he stated that “We are not going to lower our guard or our arms. We are not going to fall into a reckless sense of false confidence ”.
Call for unity
On the occasion, the President also called on all Chileans to act with unity in these times, ensuring that politics often seems to be the problem rather than the solution.
“I want everyone to have the certainty that in these stormy times, the Government works day and night without rest to protect their health, their jobs, their quality of life, that of their family and that of all Chileans. Today we need unity and the goodwill of all Chileans, “he said.
And he added that “politics sometimes seem to be more part of the problem than the solution. I want to urge all my compatriots to do our best to promote unity and not division. (…) I want to ask you to keep the faith in our country. “