The Servel reported today that pregnant women, at any stage of gestation; older adults; and caregivers of the elderlymay excuse themselves from being table members for the plebiscite on October 25
Despite the fact that the deadline for justification is over, the president of the Servel board of directors, Patricio Santamaría, warned that the aforementioned groups can excuse themselves on the day of the plebiscite.
Good news! After meeting with Senator @MarceSabat and Mayor @evelynmatthei we achieved with @cmonckeberg Y @ServelChile that pregnant women🤰🏻at any stage of gestation and caregivers of the elderly 👵🏼👨🏾🦳can excuse themselves from being table members in # Plebiscito2020 https://t.co/jAYi3WwAwB
– Karla Rubilar Barahona (@KarlaEnAccion) October 15, 2020
They will also be able to wait for the call of the police courts before a possible reprimand and give the corresponding explanations to avoid the fines.
In addition, Santamaría indicated that if there are citizens who want to be volunteers, they will be able to appear at 8:00 am on Sunday, October 25, at the place where they are to vote.
What is voted on October 25? What should I bring on the day of the vote? 🤔 Learn about the Questions and Answers Guide # Plebiscito2020 and vote informed about health safeguards to protect everyone’s health.
Check it out at 👉🏼 https://t.co/nzusiIGMNa #ChileVotaXChile pic.twitter.com/BmwMGhaXsv
– Government of Chile (@GobiernodeChile) October 15, 2020