Reference photo – ATON

A 46-year-old man was shot to death this afternoon in the commune of Cerrillos after resisting the theft of your vehicle in a door slam. This is a new act of firearm violence registered in recent days in the capital.

According to police records, the events occurred around 5:00 p.m. on Yucatán Street when the victim arrived in his truck. Suddenly was intercepted by four subjects that were mobilized in a vehicle.

“Two subjects descend and threaten him with firearms in order to get him to give them the keys and steal the vehicle, there is little resistance or difficulty in handing over the keys and this generates the reaction of one of the criminals who fires shots at him“said the older Jose Luis Bocchieri.

The victim received four hits for which he was transferred to the Cesfam de Cerrillos, where he died. By instructions of the Western Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, the crime will be investigated by the Homicide Squad since POI.

The fact is added to the shootings that occurred in the last time in Greater Santiago, where one is included in the Meiggs neighborhood, others in the commune of Maipú and other blows to public figures, such as Cecilia Bolocco, among others.


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