Pornhub Removed 80% Of Its Content Following Allegations Of “Spreading Sex Abuse Videos” | Society


This Monday, the pornographic content site Pornhub removed about 80% of its content as part of an operation to prevent unidentified people from posting illegal videos. To this he added the identification requirement for future users.

According to the Daily Mail article, in the last day from the portal more than 10 million videos, going from 13 million to three.

The maneuver was carried out after MasterCard reported that they would not carry out more transactions within that portal, after reporting complaints of dissemination of content associated with sexual abuse, even against minors.

“Our investigations conducted in recent days have confirmed violations of our standards that prohibit illegal content on its website,” they said in a statement.


Since Visa They also chose to suspend payments to Pornhub, arguing that they will launch an investigation into all these complaints. A similar action had been performed PayPal, at the end of 2019.

The accusations towards the site had appeared in a comment by the journalist Nicolas Kristof in The New York Times, who pointed out that the material referred to rape and sexual exploitation.

“The page is infested with rape videos. It monetizes rape of children, revenge porn, videos recorded without consent in women’s showers, racist and misogynistic content and scenes of women being suffocated with plastic bags, ”the article stated.

Due to all this, the company determined that from now on only users who are “properly identified” and whose age is fully certified will be able to post videos.


Added to that is the announcement of hiring a greater number of content editors, who will be in charge of reviewing all the videos that are published in the future.

“This means that every piece of content hosted on Pornhub comes from verified providers, a requirement that platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter have not yet established,” they stated in a statement.

At the moment, other pornographic content sites such as Redtube, Youporn or XTube They have not commented on possible changes in their internal policies, although they are expected to do so in the coming weeks.
