The Electoral Service (Servel) published this Friday in the Official Gazette the rules to hold the plebiscite on October 25, including health recommendations to prevent the spread of covid-19.
Among the standards incorporated by the Servel, it stands out that people over 60 will have exclusive time to vote between 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in addition, outside that band, they will have preferential treatment to pay for the entire day.
Likewise, in the exclusive schedule for older adults, people of other ages may vote “as long as there are no over 60s waiting to do so. Also pregnant, people who need assistance or disabled, will also have preference to vote.
In the same line, those over 60 may excuse themselves from participating as board members or members of the Scrutineer College.
The Servel also indicates that both voters and members must wear a mask at all times.
“The members, the voters who attend to vote and the proxies must, at all times, adopt and respect the necessary measures so as not to hinder and / or delay the voting and counting process at the voting receiving tables, and also wear a mask, maintain physical distance of at least one meter and frequently use alcohol gel to disinfect your hands. In general, they must comply with the rules contained in the Sanitary Protocol of the 2020 National Plebiscite, ″ the document says.
The document also adds that “The secret chambers will not have curtains or doors, in order to prevent the elector from having physical contact when entering to cast his vote ”, while the polling stations will have a maximum number of voters that will be defined by multiplying the number of tables by 10.
Other instructions given by the Servel is that people must go to vote unaccompanied, “except in the case of those who need to be assisted at the time of voting.” While the members are instructed to expeditiously attend to the voters and ensure that they spend as little time as possible in the premises.