Please note: people who undergo the coronavirus test and test positive grew from 8% to 14% in one week


The increase in the number of tests is the main argument of the government to explain the sudden increase in new daily cases that the country has been showing for four days, which has also been reflected in four consecutive peaks.

Despite this background, and that the demand for critical hospital infrastructure and mechanical ventilation has remained low in the last week, there is one fact that has been far from stable: the positivity of people who undergo the PCR test for coronavirus.

Minister Jaime Mañalich indicated in this Saturday’s report that the positivity in the tests has remained stable, around 10 or 11%. In addition, he noted that the peak of daily cases was related to an increase of up to 2.8 times in the number of tests performed, compared to eight days ago.

That, however, is not consistent with the figures. Eight days ago, in the April 24 report, there were just over 7,100 tests carried out in 24 hours, versus the 9,867 that were recorded in today’s official balance.

On positivity, the differences are evident in a week. On Saturday, April 25, 552 infections were reported after 6,945 tests carried out in 24 hours, registering a positivity of close to 8% (7.9%).

On the other hand, this Saturday, when the thousand contagion daily barrier was exceeded for the first time, positivity rose to 14.46% (1427 new cases detected after 9867 PCR tests).

This Friday, with 985 new infections, the positivity was 11.04%, and on Thursday, 11.02%.

It should be noted that the Minsal ensures that the peak of infections will be in the coming weeks, but mathematical modeling of scientific teams that participate in the Data Table of the Ministry of Science, such as the Center for Mathematical Modeling of the U. of Chile, indicate that the phenomenon would occur after July.
