Play station launched a new video on its YouTube channel, in which it shows, for the first time, an impression of what the user experience provided by the PS5. They announced that, in this new version, the entire interface will be in 4k resolution natively.
The video provides a tour of what users will see when they turn on their PS5, its interface to enter, and what will be its control center, where with just pressing you can access the games.
The control center will allow you to manage the system, adjust sounds, see who is online and other features, with the advantage of not having to leave the action for any second.
With the interface, you can also see some data such as, for example, the amount of progress that has been made and the time played. An interesting detail is that each game will have “activity cards”, accesses set by the developers to do specific missions and jump straight into the action.
These charts can also report the estimated amount of time it will take to complete a specific mission, which would benefit your time organization.
There will also be the video function (in case help is needed) that will allow you to see a How to play on how to beat that section of the game. These images are provided by the same developers for each particular title.
Remember that next November 12, the PS5 will go on sale in the United States, Mexico, Japan, Canada and Australia; meanwhile, on the 19th of the same month, in the rest of the world.
You can watch the video below: