Piñera’s “Zeta Plan”: DINE’s report on the foreign threat that made the President speak of war


“We are at war against a powerful, implacable enemy, who does not respect anything or anyone and that he is willing to use violence and crime without any limit, that he is willing to burn down our hospitals, the Metro, and supermarkets, with the sole purpose of producing the greatest possible damage ”.

This sentence pronounced by President Sebastián Piñera on October 20, 2019, will hardly be erased from history. Never before had a head of state in democracy spoken of war, and in his words there seemed to be convictions that were not held in the previous days, such as when, in the middle of a social outbreak and while the façade of the Enel building was burned, Piñera had been photographed eating pizza on his grandson’s birthday.

Before the intervention of the Head of State, the former Minister of the Interior at the time, Andrés Chadwick, in a message in the Palacio de La Moneda, had held a similar idea and under the same tone: “Let’s not fool ourselves. We are facing a true escalation that is undoubtedly organized to cause serious damage to our country and to the lives of each and every citizen ”.

What made that on the second day of the October revolt, which had already led to a social outbreak, the President allowed himself to be photographed surrounded by military personnel and uttered that lamentable prayer of war?

Hours earlier, from the hands of the then Defense Minister, Alberto Espina, the President had received a secret report, under the Intelligence watermark, prepared by the Army’s National Intelligence Directorate (DINE). It was Piñera’s Zeta Plan*.

Discarded reports

Twelve days before these interventions, exactly on October 8, the National Intelligence Agency (ANI) – headed at that time by Luis Masferrer – issued the report “Call for a week of Sabotage and evasion of Public Transport DII / DI”. The report was sent to the Ministry of the Interior, Police, Metro, Ministry of Transport, Army and Navy, among other agencies of the intelligence network.

This document did not contain residual information, rather it referred to an anticipation of scenarios, with a degree of certainty that, one year after said events, it is paradoxical that the authority has not taken them into account with due seriousness.

“In relation to the call made from the National Institute, it is expected that around 50-100 students will enter the Universidad de Chile metro station at 2:00 p.m. and jump the turnstile in order to evade the payment of the service of the Subway. To this, the hooded men could be added, who would cause damage with the launching of Molotov-type incendiary devices and structural damage to the public transport service, be it the subway station or the RED stops, these actions of greater violence would be developed, mainly in the outer sectors of the station, not ruling out the attack on buses “, is described in the report.

In addition – he adds – “it is projected that organizations from different sectors of the left and anarchists, call for new demonstrations and calls for massive evasions against the rise in public transport, such as that of October 14. Conflict points are the Metro stations, especially , those located in the central sector, and the front of the Ministry of Transportation. These demonstrations could end with serious incidents, with a high probability of attacks on buses of the NETWORK. This call for Sabotage and Evasion, are added the calls for solidarity made during the previous week, from the anarchist sectors, and the call for a black November in commemoration of Kevin Garrido, raising the alert for possible arson / explosive attacks by anarcho insurrectional groups, especially RED buses and bus stops “.

The report concludes with the following warning: “In the same way, although less likely, the installation of explosive devices is not ruled out (…) outside in or near the Metro, mainly during peak hours. In this context, it is suggested to raise the security and control measures in the points of greatest risk, already mentioned “.

Six days later, a new report dated October 14 – sent to the same institutions – details about a dozen Metro stations that could be seriously vandalized. Most of them were burned.

The battalion of 600 Venezuelans

With the country practically on fire and President Piñera from La Moneda demanding information that would give clarity to “the blindness” in which he was, on October 20 a meeting was held at Army offices, which was attended by the First President, the now former Minister of Defense Alberto Espina; Javier Iturriaga, the military chief in charge of RM security after the establishment of the State of Emergency, and the director of the DINE (Directorate of National Army Intelligence), General Guillermo Paiva, the same officer who in 2018 was involved in the controversial Operation Surveyor, where wiretaps were carried out on members of the institution and the journalist Mauricio Weibel.

At that meeting, Espina and General Paiva presented Piñera with the DINE intelligence report. The message was shocking. The Army had learned that the Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence had been gestating an “insurrectionary offensive for Chile.”

Without giving details about how this “foreign intervention” had managed to permeate national intelligence without the Armed Forces being able to warn it, General Paiva specified in the report that the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN), which would be a cell of the G2 (Servicio of Cuban Intelligence), the following: “They would have for their operations in the interior of Chile a battalion of 600 clandestine agents, experts in urban guerrillas, who entered Chile as refugees, many of them trained in Cuban subversive schools such as Punto Cero.”

According to the Army, “Pedro Carvajalino, from the government Chavista organization Zurda Konducta, would be one of the SEBIN / G2 commanders in charge of the insurrectionary offensive for Chile.

With this information, of which Espina did not hide his pride, Piñera gave the press conference – at this historical stage – in which he spoke of war.

What was not said at that time is that the Chavista organization Zurda Konducta is actually a television program led by Pedro Carvajalino, a youtuber and fanatic tweeter of the Government of Nicolás Maduro, who uses his networks as a mechanism for political agitation. One of the proofs of his participation in Chile, which the report states, is a photograph that Carvajalino himself uploaded to his social networks, in an obvious Photoshop in which the tweeter is seen with La Moneda in the background.

*He Zeta Plan It was an alleged plan of the Government of Salvador Allende, to carry out a self-coup in order to impose a Marxist Government by force. The alleged existence of this plan was disclosed by the military who perpetrated the 1973 Coup d’état to justify the violence.
