The President Sebastián Piñera he intervened in the annual meeting of the Fabril Development Society (Sofofa), where he made strong criticism of the parliamentarians, and although at no time did he name the 10% withdrawal project … he slipped it.
But now he joins the initiative of the deputy, Camila Vallejo, to modify the operation of the convention that will draft the proposal for a new Constitution.
“Before taking charge of the decalogues and your questions, I would like to raise certain basic issues that we have to face and resolve because otherwise we will be building on sand and not on rock,” said the President.
“First, respect for the Constitution, the law and the rule of law and respect for the powers and autonomies of the different powers of the State. What we are seeing is that a group of parliamentarians, making abusive use of a loophole, are trying to write a parallel Constitution without modifying the current Constitution through transitory articles“, he claimed.
Is Piñera going to the TC?
The President specified that “this is not only deeply unconstitutional but it is a path that leads to the destruction of institutions and all of us who hold public office, including parliamentarians and, by the way, this President, upon assuming our positions we swear or promise to comply and enforce the Constitution. “
“As a government we are going to try, in the legislative process, to correct this abuse, this loophole and otherwise we are going to appeal to the Constitutional Court because it is not only an option, it is an obligation “, he sentenced.
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