Piñera withdraws the veto on the labor protection project for public officials: the opposition interprets it as the “first consequence of the triumph of the Approval”


Just a few hours before the issue was discussed in the Senate Chamber, the Government surprised and decided to withdraw the presidential veto on the labor protection bill for public officials, an initiative that had already been dispatched by the National Congress almost a month ago for its promulgation to the Law of the Republic.

The veto, which came with the rejection of the Senate Labor Commission, has been harshly criticized by the public sector union world and the opposition who accused the Government of not respecting the democratic majorities.

The official letter sent to the Senate signed by President Piñera and the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Cristián Monckeberg, states that “I would like to inform Your Excellency that I have resolved to withdraw the observations contained in official letter N ° 171-368 from processing, dated September 16, 2020, formulated to the bill that makes applicable to public and municipal officials the labor protection procedure contemplated in the Labor Code for the protection of fundamental guarantees ”.

The opposition celebrated the withdrawal of the veto. For the Vice President of the Senate, Rabindranath Quinteros, the decision is a consequence of the “overwhelming triumph of the Approve.” “Today citizens demand that Congress and its authorities assert their rights. Sunday was also the end of the abuses ”, sentenced Senator PS.

For the president of the Labor Commission, Juan Pablo Letelier (PS), the withdrawal of the veto is “a triumph of the opposition and the workers and the demonstration of an error by the Government. If the veto was insisted on, it would be rejected. They did it to avoid an embarrassment, it would be better if they were concerned with defending the rights of workers and not using this type of instrument to try to break the will of Congress.

It is worth mentioning that this is the fourth veto entered by the Government since March on a project dispatched by Congress and pointed to the heart of a legislation that seeks to guarantee the defense of the rights of workers in the public and municipal sectors, especially when they occur. changes in national or local governments, which directly benefit more than 350 thousand officials.

Senator Quinteros remarked that this project will directly benefit state workers. “They are governed by the administrative statute, but with this bill that was transversally supported, the protection of their Fundamental Rights is equal to that of any worker governed by the Labor Code.”

In this sense, he highlighted that “it must be clear that State workers, not because they have that quality, are exempt from violation of their fundamental rights in the exercise of their function, this project extends the protection blanket established in the Labor Code , to these workers. Without these regulations, they would have to go to court so that they could declare, as the Supreme Court had been doing ”.
