Piñera takes the 2021 Budget project to the Constitutional Court for the delivery of bonds, grace pensions and care for victims of domestic violence


President Sebastián Pïñera decided to take the draft Budget Law to the Constitutional Court (TC) before promulgating it.

Despite the agreement that was reached with the opposition in long hours of talks, the Executive was not satisfied with the way some items were dispatched and decided to turn to this entity to rule on their constitutionality.

Specifically, the requirement questions nine glosses incorporated by the parliamentarians at different times of the process.

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The first is due to an indication from the PS deputies, Manuel Monsalve and Jaime Tohá, who added a rule so that the Minister of Finance cannot reduce regional budgets, but must require authorization from the Regional Council, in an extraordinary session and approved by two thirds . On the occasion the government stressed that this idea clashes with the exclusive power of the Executive over financial administration.

The article that proposed bonuses for food handlers in extreme areas, and the delivery of free pensions for former coal miners and to study the inclusion of content that strengthen the traditions of Chiloé, was also challenged.

“Piñera goes to the Constitutional Court to prevent the history and culture of Chiloé from being included in the school curricula of the establishments on the Island,” said deputy Gabriel Ascencio (DC), promoter of one of the glosses, in a tweet.

Others refer to details on garbage tenders, housing programs in terms of Minvu works, the allocation of a percentage of allocation to the Housing Choice Solidarity Fund, to incorporate deadlines for the replacement of vacancies in the Ministry of Justice, and that victims of domestic violence in times of pandemic are incorporated into support programs of the Ministry of Women.
