Piñera signs a project to combat organized crime: “We are at a turning point”


After the repeated acts of violence reported in recent weeks, carried out in the first instance by different criminal gangs, this day President Sebastián Piñera, together with the Ministers of Justice, Hernán Larraín, and of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, signed a bill that seeks to modify the Penal code and improve the efficiency of the tools when fighting organized crime.

“Our legislation to combat the crime of illicit association dates from the year 1874 and is totally outdated, and it has proven to be very effective. Unfortunately, the combination of drugs, weapons, corruption and violence, at the root of which is organized crime, is also threatening to penetrate our police, our institutions, our powers of the State, our democracy, such as It has happened in other countries of our continent ”, said the President from La Moneda.

And he added that “that is why the time has come for the entire society to take the bull by the antlers and face this brutal threat. We know that crime has evolved in our country, from normally individual criminals with little organization and sophistication, towards criminal gangs with high levels of organization and planning, with abundant financial and technological resources, with heavy-caliber weapons and high firepower, and with the capacity to cause serious damage to our society ”.

“We are at a turning point that forces us to act decisively and urgently now, because tomorrow may be too late. For that reason, today we are going to sign a bill to combat criminal gangs, to combat organized crime, which will provide our police, prosecutors and courts of justice, with new and more powerful and more effective instruments to combat this scourge, and to increase the penalties associated with these crimes ”, he pointed out.

Thus, the Head of State explained that the initiative seeks to modify the crime of illicit association, replacing it with crimes of criminal association and criminal association. In the case of the former, those who are part of organizations that comment on “simple crimes” will be punished with a penalty of up to 5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, those who belong to criminal associations, whose objective is to commit crimes, would risk penalties of up to 10 years. Thus, it would help to combat crimes such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, theft of wood, among others.

“To determine the existence of these crimes, the court will have to consider the number of members that an organization has, the magnitude of its resources and means, the planning capacity, the action sustained over time to be able to form a judgment,” said the President.

In addition, Piñera stressed that there will be incentives, such as reduced sentences, for members of these criminal gangs to report to justice those who lead them, while the use of special techniques for investigations will be promoted, such as undercover agents, revealing agents, informants. , infiltrators of gangs and interference of telephone communications, elements for which “the prior authorization of a guarantee judge is required to protect the fundamental rights of people.”

“Experience throughout the world shows us that only with strength, will and courage, and with a sense of urgency in action, will we be able to confront and control criminal gangs and organized crime, and we will be able to give back to all Chilean families their right to a freer, safer and more peaceful life, “Piñera closed.
