Piñera removes Mario Rozas as general director of the Carabineros one day after an operation at the Sename home that left two minors shot


This thursday morning The departure of Mario Rozas as general director of the Carabineros was confirmed. This, one day after the operation in a Sename home in Talcahuano that left two minors shot.

This exit takes place in the context of a meeting in La Moneda, headed by the president Sebastian Piñera, and in which the Minister of the Interior participated, Rodrigo Delgado, the Minister of Justice, Hernán Larraín, and the Rozas.

During the meeting, Piñera received the resignation of the now former head of the Carabineros and accepted it. Thus, the president decided to replace Rozas by General Ricardo Yáñez, who served as deputy director and who from now on will be number one in the institution.

File image showing President Sebastián Piñera and Mario Rozas, now a former General Director of the Carabineros.

Already yesterday a signal had been given in this regard, when Piñera canceled his attendance at the ceremony of promotion of the generals.

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From the presidency, yesterday they assured that “given the unfortunate events that occurred at the Carlos Macera residence for minors, in the commune of Talcahuano, President Piñera is focused on clarifying the truth in a complete and timely manner ”.

The fact generated rejection from various sectors, starting from La Moneda: Minister Delgado said yesterday that “As the Chilean government, what has happened hurts us. It is a very serious event, the State is there to protect children and young people ”.

And others, rightly, asked to leave, even announcing the “freezing” of their relations with the government, as was the case with the PPD.

Perhaps for this reason, Rozas himself sensed that this Thursday he would cease to be the general director of the Carabineros, so during this morning he said goodbye to his comrades in arms.

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