The president of the Republic, Sebastian Piñera, received this Thursday – from the director of the NHRI, Sergio Micco – the annual report prepared by the institution and which is called “Covid and Human Rights in Chile”, precisely because it is focused on the pandemic.
To the palace of The coin The director of the institute arrived, who together with the President offered a press point to explain the main scope of the document of more than 300 pages.
The first to speak was Micco, who remarked that “human rights cannot be separated from one another, that is, the right to water directly impacts the right to health and the right to health has a direct impact on the right to work ”
Regarding quarantines in the pandemic, he argued that “such a measure (…) It also implied acting simultaneously with regard to the right to work, but the people who had precarious jobs could not have the possibility of keeping that confinement “.
In parallel, Micco aimed at the elaboration of public policies, warning that when they are done “without transparent information shared by all, they are bad public policies.”
“This other crisis has shown us the importance of economic, social and cultural rights… Chilean men and women know perfectly well that the right to life, the right to physical integrity is accompanied by the rights to health, to education and work and it will be part of a constituent process precisely to see how these economic, social and cultural rights will be guaranteed ”, complemented the head of the INDH.
Likewise, Micco emphasized the need for the State to respond to tasks such as truth, justice, reparation, and a guarantee of non-repetition in relation to the human rights violations that have been recognized.
“The President of the Republic has recognized that there are human rights violations and has indicated that there will be no impunity,” he declared.
Next, the President indicated that the fundamental rights “They represent a great challenge for the whole world and also for the State of Chile”.
“It is the duty of the State and of all the organisms of the Public sector, promote and protect human rights at all times, in all places, in all circumstances … because just as human rights are indivisible, they do not accept any excuse to pass over them ”, he added.
To guarantee this, indicated the Head of State, “it is necessary to anticipate, create and promote a true culture of respect for human rights and that is the great challenge we are facing as a society ”.