RELATED VIDEO – Interview with Senator Ricardo Lagos on Emergency Family Income (14:11)
The Plaza Pública Cadem survey, corresponding to the first week of May, showed that a 47% of respondents approve of students not returning to face-to-face classes and online classes are maintained.
Meanwhile, 32% of the respondents were in favor of end the school year and have all students move on.
Consulted by the handling of the crisis of COVID-19 that has been headed by the government of President Sebastián Piñera, a 35% approve of the president’s management.
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In relation to the increase of infected, the 57% believe that the main reasons are that people do not respect sanitary measures such as social distancing, use of masks, quarantines, and curfews, followed by the government’s attempt to accelerate the return to normality (29%) and its communication errors (11%).
Regarding the actors, the best evaluated are the doctors and health personnel (96%), mayors (76%) and the president of the Medical College, Izkia Siches (66%).
The worst evaluated are the companies (29%) and the Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich (30%).
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Because in recent weeks the Employment Protection Law has ignited the public debate, as of May 7, a 86% of respondents have heard of the initiative and 82% disagree with a large company using unemployment insurance and at the same time distributing profits to its owners.
On this same point, 67% of respondents agree that a large company uses unemployment insurance as long as Make up the difference in salary to workers.
As for the presidential approval, a 66% disapprove of President Sebastián Piñera’s management and 25% approve.
On the other hand, the best evaluated institutions in May are the Civil Registry, the Investigative Police (PDI) and the municipalities, all with 70% approval.
The The worst evaluated are the Broad Front (19%), the Christian Democracy (18%), the Communist Party (12%), the Congress (11%) and the block of the Socialist Party, Party for Democracy and Radicals (10%).