Piñera continues with an international positioning operation as a protagonist of the constitutional process: “The Government works hard to reach agreements”


President Sebastián Piñera seems determined to mark an international presence after the results of the plebiscite of October 25 and the constituent process underway, showing himself as a protagonist of the issue.

During the week he gave an interview to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, and this Friday in a virtual conversation at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York, along with describing the plebiscite of October 25 as “exemplary”, Piñera explained in English that Chile “It is in the process of reaching an agreement to design a new Constitution that will be a source of stability and unity for the entire country.”

In this context, he highlighted the role of his administration, noting that “no one can guarantee the result of a conventional process” but his government “works hard to reach agreements, since the Constitution must be the place where everyone recognizes each other.”

In addition, he advocated that it lead to a more “sustainable” society, respectful of nature, with “equal opportunities” and that it defeats poverty.

It should be remembered that in his interview with El Mundo, Piñera also addressed the constituent process and made use of the letter from Venezuela, discarding that with the drafting of a new Constitution, Chile would come to resemble that country, “where democracy is not respected , human rights are not respected, freedoms are not respected, with a regime that has its country condemned to a situation of poverty, lack, hunger (…) Nothing is further from the will of the majority of Chileans than go that way ”.

The contents of Piñera

But as he has done on other occasions, before the Council of Foreign Relations in New York, the President entered the debate on the issues that should be present in the constituent discussion, noting that among the “values ​​of democracy” that he hopes will be included in the new Magna Carta includes “all types of freedom: political, economic, social, of expression, religious” and “of course, maintain the separation of powers.”

He also said that it should “lead to a more sustainable society, more respect for nature and the environment, a more inclusive society with equal opportunities and the defeat of poverty, the main objective.”
Piñera also pointed out regarding the economic situation in Chile, that after “five months of continuous improvement” at the national level, new highs in infections are being recorded throughout the world, including Latin America, for which he advocated “preparing for a second wave” of covid-19.

Using figures, he estimated that the Gross Domestic Product “will fall between 5 and 6% this year”, which he interpreted as “a good result since many other nations in Latin America are going to have double-digit GDP falls, of 12, 15% or more “.
