Piñera confirms new Middle Class Bond, for a maximum amount of 600 thousand pesos


On this third anniversary of his second term, the President Sebastián Piñera confirmed that the Government will arrange a new Middle Class Voucher, direct benefit of 400 thousand pesos, although that amount can increase to up to 600 thousand if there are minors, people with disabilities or older adults in the home that requires it.

This benefit may reach people with formal incomes between 400 thousand and 2 million who have seen a drop of at least 30 percent of those amounts during the pandemic.

But the resources will also be incorporated to those who have income between the minimum salary -326,500 pesos- and 400 thousand pesos, in this case, without the income drop requirement.

On the other hand, the President announced the provision of the Solidarity Loan 2021, to interest-free credit that will have a year of grace and it will be paid in four annual installments, which may not exceed 5 percent of the total income of one year of each worker. The detail of this measure and the bonus is already at www.proteccionsocial.gob.cl.

This bond and this loan for the middle class will be granted as soon as the law that is in Congress is approved, and they will benefit more than 1.5 million families, more than 3.6 million compatriots, “said Piñera.

Finally, the Ministry of Housing will offer a New Rent Subsidy for the Middle Class, program that will benefit 50 thousand applicants with the delivery of up to 250 thousand pesos for three months, which may be used for rentals of up to 600 thousand pesos.

In this case, they can apply through www.minvu.cl people who have lost their jobs or experienced a loss of more than 30 percent in their income in the last year of a health emergency.
