This Tuesday, President Sebastián Piñera reported that an agreement was reached that will allow a plan to gradually close the thermoelectric plants in the country.
As indicated by the president, this seeks to protect the environment, but at the same time, not put at risk the electricity supply of Chilean families or increase its price.
Thus, he also referred to the concern to replace the jobs that are lost due to the closure of the plant.
“The original plan contemplated the closure of eight coal-fired plants within five years, but we are accelerating that plan,” the authority said.
According to the president, to these eight was added the advance in the closure of Mejillones I and II, in addition to the Bocamina plant, which will mean that 11 coal-fired plants will be closed before 2024.
“This is equivalent to closing 31% of the total installed electricity generation capacity in our country,” added President Piñera.
In this way, he pointed out that the substitution of these energies will be based on those that do not generate an environmental impact to the country, to go towards a cleaner and more efficient matrix. “Chile was poor in the energies of the past. We didn’t have enough coal, oil, or gas, that’s why we imported our energy (…) but we are immersively rich in the energies of the future, ”he said.
In the press release held in La Moneda, the authority also added that the country has investment projects in renewable energies worth more than 28 billion dollars that will allow progress from 44% that these energies currently represent, to 70% in the year 2030.
Closing Windows 1
With the end of Windows 1, it will go to a State of Strategic Reserve (ERE) and will be available as a backup only in the event that there is an exceptional situation or an energy crisis that puts the security and adequacy of the system at risk, for which They could be required by the National Electrical Coordinator (CEN).
The plants that are in ERE can remain so for a maximum period of 5 years prior to the final retirement.
During this day a ceremony was held where the button was pressed that put an “end” to the operation of the thermoelectric plant in Puchuncaví.
After confirming the closure of the plant, AES Gener reported that they will relocate 17 workers and 16 will retire.
This in a process of “just transition” of AES Gener, in which 33 employees were in danger of being unemployed due to the closure of operations at the Ventanas 1 plant.