He President Sebastián Piñera confirmed tonight that during December the first 20 thousand doses of the Covid-19 vaccine produced by the Pfizer-Biontech Laboratory will arrive in Chile. and reported that from January they will continue to receive more doses in order to vaccinate the population most at risk during the first quarter of 2021.
In a speech delivered by national chain, the President indicated that although “the vaccine will be a powerful instrument to combat the virus (…). The coronavirus will continue with us for a long time and we have to learn to live with it. “
Piñera’s words are given after the Institute of Public Health (ISP) will authorize this day the use of this particular vaccine, which had previously been approved by the United States Sanitary Agency (FDA).
“Today we have received confirmation from the Pfizer-Biontech Laboratory, that during this month of December the plane with the first 20 thousand doses of vaccines will land in Chile, which will allow us to immediately start vaccinating all the people who work in the Units of Intensive Care (ICU) of our health system in the regions with the highest incidence of coronavirus, such as the Biobío Region, Araucanía and Magallanes, and part of the staff of the Metropolitan Region ”, Held.
In this sense, he recalled that, together with the Advisory Council on Vaccines and Immunization (Cavei) A priority for the vaccine was set, in addition to health personnel, “people deployed in the Covid emergency; elderly and chronically ill, prioritizing those in long-stay centers, and other groups of the target population, according to their degree of risk ”.
The head of state added that “Starting in January, we will continue to receive new doses of vaccines with the aim of vaccinating the critical and highest-risk population during the first quarter of 2021, continuing with the other groups during the first semester.”
In this regard, and after recalling that in Chile the vaccine will be voluntary and free, he indicated that the Minsal “will inform in due time the dates and places of vaccination for the different groups of the population.”
But he stressed that “Our vaccination plan depends on the approvals of the international health authorities and of our country and its availability will gradually grow according to the delivery capacity of the laboratories” with which Chile has agreements.