Piñera condemned acts of violence and announced criminal complaints


President Sebastián Piñera confirmed that the Government will present complaints for the acts of violence registered this Sunday in the capital.

In an activity carried out on the afternoon of this Monday, the President recalled that “yesterday there were more than 107 violent events in our country, which left 643 people detained by the Carabineros and the Investigative Police, and that 118 carabineros and police officers injured “.

“This criminal action must be condemned by all of us who believe in democracy and want to live in peace, and we must condemn not only those who directly carry out acts of criminal violence, but also those who in one way or another promote, support or justify them, “he stressed.

The President held that “It is not enough to condemn violence, we must also punish criminals and violent people, that cause so much damage and destruction, with all the rigor of the law “.

“Today the government will present the necessary criminal complaints to be able to severely prosecute these criminal responsibilities and we understand that the State Defense Council will also do the same,” he said.

“The vast majority of Chileans want to live in democracy and in peace, let us never let violence or crime put up barricades or end up destroying our democracy and peace in our society,” added Piñera.
