Capture | Government of Chile
This Friday at 9:30 p.m. the President of the Republic, Sebastian Piñera, made a national chain to refer to the vaccination plan to face the coronavirus pandemic that every day adds thousands of infected.
In the instance, the President made a count of the first groups to be inoculated and reported that the “massive phase” of the 2021 vaccination plan will begin in the coming weeks.
“Next Thursday, January 28, almost two million doses of Sinovac vaccines will arrive in our country, and on Sunday, January 31, almost two million additional ones, which will allow us to start the massive phase of the Covid 2021 Vaccination Plan,” he said.
This, thanks to the approval of emergency use that this week granted the ISP to the Sinovac vaccine.
Regarding the priorities to inoculate, the Head of State indicated that first there is the health personnel who work with critical patients, then the elderly and then the rest of the health personnel.
During the first quarter, the Government expects to vaccinate 5 million people, confirmed the President. Specifically, it is the so-called risk population.
Meanwhile, thanks to the doses provided by Pfizer / BioNTech and Sinovac, in the first six months of the year it is projected to vaccinate the entire target population, that is, almost 16 million people.

“In Chile we have the advantage of having an experienced and efficient National Immunization Program (PNI), which represents security and peace of mind for all Chileans,” Piñera also highlighted, ensuring that “with the help of God” our country will be able to overcome adversity.