Piñera and his “friend” Duque confirm summits of the Pacific Alliance and Prosur for December


“In December we will have the summits of the Pacific Alliance and Prosur in Chile, and it will be up to our country to hand over the command, the Pro Tempore Presidency to President Iván Duque and to Colombia.”

With those words, President Piñera confirmed that both coordination instances will be held in person in the national territory, next December. This, after the working meeting held by the President with his “friend” Iván Duque in Cerro Castillo.

“We have reviewed the entire agenda of bilateral issues and we have concentrated on the central aspects. The collaboration that we have achieved in the context of Prosur and, directly, with Colombia to face the coronavirus pandemic, the collaboration on secure borders and migration, collaboration in terms of job recovery and our economies have been an example of that spirit, “said Piñera.

He added: “It has been a very good meeting. And I want to say to my friend, President Iván Duque, welcome to Chile and we greatly appreciate the support, friendship and collaboration that Colombia and Chile have had since together we conquered our independence” .

Prosur and Duque

After Piñera’s elocution, Duque said: “In the first place, to highlight the work we have been doing together to face the pandemic. As President Pro Tempore of PROSUR, you have invited several Heads of State to coordinate, and I want to highlight what Colombia and Chile achieved by entering the Covax strategy, and also having bilateral negotiations or scopes, also with laboratories, where we want to learn from our experiences and consolidate opportunities “.

“I also want to highlight that, within the framework of the pandemic, we have sought to reconcile the protection of life and health and, at the same time, protect the lives of jobs and the lives of companies” , he complemented.
