Masks in public transport. – Aten
The unconfined quarantine plan for the coronavirus pandemic in the Metropolitan Region is advancing, up to the minute, with no return to the previous phases. For this reason, there are six communes that enter Phase 4 on Monday at 5:00 in the morning: Colina, Curacaví, María Pinto, Pirque, San Pedro and Til Til.
This is what you can do in your commune if it is in Phase 4
- Everyone, including those over 75, can go out, but not go to quarantined places.
- You must respect the curfew, which implies that you cannot leave between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless you have a pass for a medical emergency or the death of a direct relative, until the authority modifies it.
- You can go to work if the workplace is not in a quarantined commune, unless it is an essential service, and you have a collective travel permit or a collective unique permit.
- Participate in social and recreational gatherings of up to 50 people in closed spaces and 100 in open spaces, except during curfew hours.
- Make interregional trips only to communes that are in steps 3, 4, 5.
- Carry out sports activity and participate in group sports with a maximum of 10 people in closed places (except public access gyms) and 50 people in open places. No audience.
- Residents of SENAME Centers can leave, with authorization and supervision. Visits from significant links and outings for work and educational purposes are also allowed.
- ELEAM residents can go for a walk 2 times a week for a maximum of 2 hours and 200 m. around, and can be visited by 2 people, 2 times a week.
- Every time you go out, you must wear a mask, keep your physical distance and remember measures such as hand washing or use of alcohol gel.
These services can work in a commune Phase 4
- Pharmacies, supermarkets and other places of supply of food and basic products, health centers and public service establishments.
- Commerce and other non-essential activities that can function with workers who live in a commune without quarantine.
- Attention to the public in restaurants, cafes and similar places with a maximum capacity of 50%, or a distance of at least two meters between tables.
- Theaters, cinemas and similar places can work but with a reduced capacity and without consumption of drinks or food.
- Mineduc Plan of gradual return to face-to-face classes in educational establishments, having met the sanitary conditions.
- Non-critical elective surgeries can be performed, unless otherwise indicated by the authority.
- Day centers for the Elderly.
- Everything that works must be following established protocols.
And this is prohibited in the communes that pass to Phase 4
- The operation of Clubs and community unions for the Elderly.
- The operation of pubs, discos and similar places.
- The operation of gyms open to the public.
- Holding and participating in social and recreational events and gatherings of more than 50 people indoors and 100 outdoors, and during curfew hours.
- The entry and exit to ELEAM Centers and SENAME Centers without authorization.

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