During yesterday’s parliamentary session, the independent deputy Pepe Auth, told a striking “anecdote” to defend the argument why he is not in favor of postal voting in the Chilean electoral system. The congressman confessed to participating in Italian elections, despite being an illegal act. The embassy of the European country reacted quickly condemning the action.
“I vote in the Italian elections, although I am not an Italian citizen, because my mother-in-law and my wife are and, nevertheless, as I follow the Italian newspapers, they pass me their vote and I mark the preference in each of the elections” Auth commented in the hemicycle.
While recounting his experience and recognizing that his action is part of an illegal behavior, he received a reprimand from the board of directors of the Chamber of Deputies, who told him that “do not make this room a participant or an accomplice of its illegalities” . Laughing, the deputy replied that “I am under the jurisdiction.”
Finally Auth added that “that is why I do not support the postal vote in Chile. Because there is no secret in the vote and the voter can perfectly deliver his ballot to another person to decide, by his will or, worse, forced to do so. And there is no way to avoid it. “
The Italian embassy in Santiago condemned the deputy’s statements and through a statement emphasized their “dismay at the statements made by deputy Pepe Auth made on September 24 in the Chamber of Deputies, in which he declared that he had voted without having the right to vote in the elections of the Italian Republic “.
They also added that “the declaration of illegal behavior, which the Auth Deputy describes as an” anecdote “, offends the institutions of the Italian Republic and the dignity of the thousands of Italian citizens residing in Chile who freely and responsibly exercise their right”.
During this day, Pepe Auth continued the issue with a publication on his Twitter account, where he indicated that “I clarify my argumentative excess of yesterday and I apologize to my wife and the Italian Embassy. I said I had voted in their elections because we have decided the vote together a couple of times. My theme is that for Chile the postal vote makes you lose secrecy and there is a risk that someone will force another ”.
Video via Twitter @espinozacuellar