The Senate Labor Commission agreed on a schedule that aims to carry out the pension reform promoted by the Government, what remains at a standstill in Congress after its approval, at the end of January, in the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies.
“We are meeting twice a week, and (the idea is) that one day a week we dedicate to pensions, to take out whatever in pensions and close what we have to close“explained the president of the instance, the socialist Juan Pablo Letelier.
🔵The Senate Labor Commission puts pressure on the Government and agrees a schedule to “close what has to be closed” of the pension reform.
It was agreed to work 1 day a week on the project that has been frozen for months in Congress. @Cooperative pic.twitter.com/PPLYftcine
– Felipe Gallegos (@ FelipeGallegos7) December 3, 2020
The parliamentarians’ work schedule considers: additional contributions from the employer, the administration of said contribution by a new public entity, the reduction of gender gaps; how, ultimately, the additional 6 percent will be distributed, the creation of a guaranteed universal basic pension and the regulation of the industry and the profits of the AFPs.