The Investigative Police (PDI) investigates the death of a five-year-old girl at the hands of a 12-year-old in the Riecillo sector, in the Andes.
“In inquiries carried out, It was established that yesterday (Saturday), at approximately 8:00 p.m., the minor under 12 took the deceased minor to a sector of a creek, near her grandmother’s house, where he attacked her with a knife, causing injuries to different parts of the body, which ultimately caused death. In addition, the weapon used by the minor was found by police officers at the scene of the event, “explained Commissioner Marcelo Lazen, head of the PDI Homicide Brigade.
Commissioner Lazen stressed that “they have no direct family relationship. There is a friendly relationship because the minor is from the south and he constantly traveled to the commune (of Los Andes) where he met the girl. Several times he made contact with her to play, things like that. “
On the instruction of the family judge, the aggressor was admitted to the San Camilo de San Felipe Hospital while the PDI continues with the proceedings to clarify this fact.
12-year-old boy stabbed and killed 5-year-old girl #The Andes. They were both at the boy’s grandmother’s house and headed for a stream. Commissioner Marcelo Lazen of the Homicide Brigade provided background information. @Cooperative #CooperativeRegions pic.twitter.com/bb276cukiM
– Belén Velásquez Neracher (@belenvelasquez) November 29, 2020