The Investigative Police (PDI) announced the dismissal of three detectives who are involved in crimes of falsification of public instruments and theft of part of the money that had been recovered in a diligence for robbery of a bank in the eastern sector of the capital.
The police institution headed by Héctor Espinosa indicated, through a public statement, that “within the framework of its transparency policy, it is reported that, as a result of an investigation by the V Department of Internal Affairs of the PDI, this afternoon to three officials of the Orient Robbery Investigation Brigade for their alleged responsibility in the crimes of falsification of an instrument for public use and theft of money ”.
“The facts that are accused of them, adds the PDI statement, are related to a diligence aimed at clarifying a robbery that affected a bank in the eastern sector of the capital in July of this year, after which the accused were they would have appropriated part of the money recovered ”.
In the police entity they affirmed that once the antecedents of the case were known, “and in parallel to the judicial investigation, the process of dismissal and the immediate suspension of the functions of those involved began,” according to the statement.
PDI: after robbery of a bank in Las Condes
Finally, the PDI stated that as an institution “it does not protect –not at all- behaviors that are contrary to ethics, values and administrative probity that are inexcusable for all its staff, and insists on its most unrestricted commitment and attachment to the state of current law ”.
According to Radio Biobío, the fact that triggered the investigation against the detectives corresponds to an assault that affected a branch of the BICE bank in Las Condes, during last July.