Twitter – PDI Maule

One of Chile’s most wanted scammers was arrested this Saturday. The criminal investigation brigade (Bicrim) of the Investigation Police (PDI) of Curicó was in charge of the arrest.

After six years on the run from justice and accumulating 11 arrest warrants, the man was finally arrested in the Curicó mall. The detectives who spent the past three months working on the case.

FABC constantly changed direction. For this reason, the PDI involved police intelligence, information analysis, and other strategies to capture the man. He was arrested for fraud, fraud against individuals, misappropriation, theft and concealment of identity.

How was the arrest achieved?

Regarding the case, the inspector Rodrigo Zúñiga of the Curicó Bicrim, explained that “by virtue of the fact that the accused constantly changed his address, a surveillance group and police intelligence work was organized by Bicrim officials in Curicó.” “Which finally made it possible to locate the accused in the vicinity of the mall of said commune,” he said.

The scammer was on the most wanted list in Chile. He was on the run since 2014.


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