Some days ago, The Labor Inspectorate delivered its opinion on the controversial episode starring José Miguel Viñuela, who cut the hair of a cameraman in the middle of the morning “Mucho Gusto de Mega.
“It was possible to establish through the investigation through statements, documents and videos that the company adopted timely, sufficient and effective measures in this regard, with which it is not possible to make a reproach to the employer, a forced result to conclude the investigation as it was said, without indications of violation on the part of the employer ”, maintained the Labor Inspection.
Regarding this topic, the cheerleader Patricia maldonado, in her program “Las Indomables”, she was clear in expressing that the responsibility lay with the entire Mega team and not just Viñuela.
“I don’t agree, not at all. They will forgive me but there is a team there, the team has to respond“, Held.
“And I say it with great knowledge of the factsI’m not speaking ill, nor am I beating anyone. I have worked for 40 years in television, I know perfectly well how the television system is managed ”, added Maldonado.
“You cannot come and do something that occurs to you without this director and producers being aware“, Assured Mega’s face.
“Now, if you came up with something, for example to cut your hair, isn’t it curious that you ask for scissors and that the scissors are immediately in your hand? Doesn’t it seem suspicious?”, He finally consulted.