The La Serena Hospital confirmed tonight a double leak of a patient infected with Covid-19 and who was subsequently re-admitted to an emergency unit of that healthcare center.
This is a 47-year-old man who, in addition to coronavirus, has a basic pathology that escaped on Thursday afternoon and was found by personnel from the Emergency Medical Assistance Service (Samu), who transferred him to the Emergency Unit. Hospital emergency.
“The patient was re-admitted by the health team to a respiratory box in the unit and while disinfection of the area was carried out according to the COVID-19 (+) protocol, the person left the building again. Instantly, a group of officials left his search and when they found it, they were attacked by the user, who suffered a decompensation “, detailed the assistance center through a public statement.
Thus, the man fled again, which generated an intense search operation by paete of military and police forces, being found during the night.
Given the risk of exposure of the workers involved, they were admitted to the site’s Emergency Unit, to initiate all the corresponding protocols.
The San Juan de Dios Hospital in La Serena stated in its statement that “it deeply regrets the events that have occurred and as a public health institution it is carrying out all the pertinent investigations and actions so that events like this have no place in the health care facility.”