This Friday, the Directemar confirmed that part of the great Chinese fishing fleet already sails in front of jurisdictional waters Chilean.
According to the latest data, 64 boats are off the coast of the Arica and Parinacota region, eight at the height of Tarapacá and two sail with a constant course and speed parallel to the Bío Bío region in the direction of the Strait of Magellan.
The closest ship to our country is at a distance of 300 nautical miles from Arica, which is equivalent to approximately 556 kilometers.
So, 74 of the nearly 410 units that make up the group They already exploit marine resources in the area of responsibility for search and rescue (SAR) assigned to Chile, but outside the Exclusive Economic Zone. Until November there was talk of 360 ships.
But some have already met their goal: On November 27, two Chinese fishing boats crossed the Strait of Magellan and they abandoned the national waters.
Both went controlled and monitored by units and aircraft of the Navy in the different naval areas and monitored by the Maritime Traffic Control rooms and the Central Monitoring and Analysis.
Faced with this situation, and when the fleet was passing through Peru, the Navy began a surveillance of its area of responsibility, which finally became an alert “24 hours a day, 7 days a week”, through the Monitoring Center and Analysis of the Directemar, work that has been reinforced with the deployment of naval and naval means.
Therefore, on November 30, a Casa P-295 aircraft and the Oceanic patrol vessel (OPV) Cabo Odger conducted surveillance operations to the fishing boats that were in the SAR area off the Arica and Parinacota region.
Once their transit has started, the vessels sail from their fishing grounds in a southerly direction to the western area of the Strait of Magellan: there they make the so-called “mouth-to-mouth crossing” and go to the Atlantic Ocean to continue their extractive activities in search of the squid.
In the operations for the two vessels that have already fulfilled their mission, he joined the personal surveillance of the inhabited lighthouses of Felix and Fairway, the Harbor Master’s Office of Punta Delgada, and the Maritime Traffic Control Station of the Punta Dungeness Lighthouse.
What if they fish in Chilean waters?
The entire journey of the fleet is made in front of national waters, that until they reach Magallanes: there they enter our exclusive area to reach the South Atlantic.
What would the navy do if you find foreign ships preying on our natural resources while changing oceans?
In conversation with BioBioChile, the head of Directemar’s communications department, First Lieutenant Simón Stuven, explained that a violation of this type will trigger the application of the Articles 115 and 124 of the General Fisheries Law and Aquaculture.
That is to say, the unit (s) will be arrested to derive them to a port stipulated by the same legal body.
All your content will be seized there, the corresponding authorities will be notified of the fact and all the antecedents will be sent to the Judicial Power in order to give way to the respective sanctioning processes.