Parliamentarians Call for Investigation on Library of Congress Report on Diet and Senate Table to Cite Extraordinary Committee Meeting


Controversy and annoyance generated the report of the Library of the National Congress – released today by Third– in which it is stated that The diet of Chilean parliamentarians is the highest in OECD countries and is equivalent to 38 minimum wages.

This was made clear during the Senate sitting session on Wednesday where it was approved, after six years of processing, the project that reduces the parliamentary diet and that of other authorities.

The complaint of the parliamentarians led the president of the Senate, Adriana Muñoz (PPD), to announce that an extraordinary committee meeting would be called to address this document.

“I spoke this morning with the director of the library and we are going to call an extraordinary committee meeting that we will set up these days to analyze the report that he has to deliver to us regarding how the demand for the study arises and what is the methodological support and the data that were available to make this report, “said the senator.

To add that “I think it warrants a special meeting and not an extra point on today’s committee table.”

Your UDI peer, David Sandoval, He argued, meanwhile, that “I do not know what is the context in which this report was made or what is intended either, because we are in a discussion that seems precisely reasonable, but it is extremely strange that a study of this nature is published from the Library of Congress that obviously does not reflect what a parliamentary diet really is. ”

The senator DC, Ximena Rincón, stated in the same line that “I think it is good to point out that the figure given in the report is a projection comparable to we don’t know what, because the data is missing, and it does not adhere to the remuneration we receive in the Senate. “

The independent Alejandro Guillier For his part, he assured that “the truth is that the mistake the Library of Congress made is unforgivable. They know perfectly well that this has to do with the payment of advisers, lawyers, office managers in the regions. If that were the number, we could say cut it in half and we would be earning more than we earn today. ”

“How can mistakes be made by Congress itself. That makes public opinion believe they are being lied to. So I think that warrants serious investigation and the corresponding measures are applied ”, added.

The also independent Carmen Gloria Aravena assured that “More than an investigation, (we need) a detailed report of what happened, because there are very good professionals in the library and this tarnishes the work; shamelessly lying and slandering an institution that is going through a complex credibility crisis, I think it is an attack on the country’s democracy and the credibility of the library itself. “

Meanwhile he PS Alfonso de Urresti, I affirm that “Issuing a report of this nature, an official document of the library, with this level of errors and with this dissemination is something that cannot be missed.”

“As soon as it has to be officially clarified and denied so that we do not have any shadow of doubt”, complement.

Finally the senator José Miguel Insulza (PS), assured that “I share the idea of ​​doing research, there is bad faith in what has been done.”
