For the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, the constitutional accusation against him and the criminal investigation for his eventual responsibility in handling the pandemic, they are -only- political actions that seek to damage the image of the Executive.

In an interview with El Mercurio, Mañalich indicated that both resources are not a criticism of his management but rather “an effort to destroy the legacy of Sebastián Piñera.” In addition, the former authority indicated that it “does not feel responsible” for the deaths from Covid-19 during his period as Minister of Health.

In this regard, the current head of the portfolio, Enrique Paris pointed out that “a group of people” used the pandemic as an argument to accuse Mañalich.

“If the October 18 movement against the President failed, there are some people who wanted to transfer this movement and use the coronavirus, which I do not think is appropriate,” Held.

One of the signatories of the constitutional accusation against the former Secretary of State, Congressman Tomás Hirsch affirmed that the words of the former minister are a “decalogue of pride.”

Finally, Jaime Mañalich accused the Public Ministry of giving the media details of the investigation carried out by the authorities’ management during the pandemic. From the persecuting entity they indicated that the material in this regard is public, so they did not leak information.