Pamela Jiles / Photo: Aton Chile
The PH deputy Pamela Jiles, leads for the first time completely alone, the presidential poll of Pulse Ciudadano, corresponding to the second half of November.
The The deputy leads the preferences with 12.7%, followed by Joaquín Lavín with 12.3%, Daniel Jadue with 9.9%, Evelyn Matthei with 5.7% and Heraldo Muñoz with 4.4%.
Regarding the approval of President Sebastián Piñera’s management, 11.2% support his work while 81.2% reject it, increasing by 6.9 points in relation to the previous measurement.
The survey also analyzed the “likely voter” for the presidential elections of November 2021, a figure that would reach 52.9% participation, decreasing by nine points considering the previous measurement.
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