Chile on the sidelines: Argentina becomes the tenth country to ratify the Escazú Agreement, the same environmental pact rejected by the Piñera government

[ad_1] Argentina became the tenth country to ratify the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, better known as the Escazú Agreement. As reported by the trans-Andean newspaper The nation, the bill, which had been approved …

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This is the most accurate symptom to know if you had Covid; These are the Sars-CoV-2 strains in the country and they detect an aggressive mutation of the virus that circulates in Chile: three things we learned about the coronavirus this week

[ad_1] Despite the absence of accurate tests to find out if you ever had coronavirus, there are a handful of symptoms what with some reliability, they could tell you if you ever had Covid. But according to a study, conducted by scientists at St. James’s Hospital and the Trinity Translational …

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