The Senate Labor Commission went ahead of announcement of changes to the Government Pension Reform and generally approved the original pension reform, which had been approved in the Chamber of Deputies in January 2020.
After 2:00 p.m., President Sebastián Piñera would announce changes to the pension reform that they consider add an extra tax contribution financed through some tax exemptions, which would be added tol 6% additional state contribution announced in the original reform, which would be divided into a 3% to a solidarity pillar and 3% to the decision of the contributor.
However, the approval in the Senate Committee suspended the announcement of La Moneda.
At 2 in the afternoon, a declaration by President Sebastián Piñera was planned for pensions. In La Moneda they warn that for now it was suspended @Cooperative pic.twitter.com/9vwbojEUv1
– Valentina Godoy (@valegodoyb) March 3, 2021
Juan Pablo Letelier (PS), president of the Labor Commission, stated that they are “quite tired with the improvisation of the Government. Different options and variants have been communicated to us by the press during the last 12 months“.
“We made the decision as a committee to hold sessions, to move forward. Within the committee we already had a pre-agreement and we are going to start working as a committee based on that pre-agreement. We hope that the Government will join in on that … If that does not happen, we will end up in a mixed commission in the coming months“, clarified the legislator.
The senator Juan Antonio Coloma placeholder image (UDI) spoke with Cooperative Y defended the government’s proposal.
“It seems logical to me that what the Government does is raise its position (…) It seems good to me, and we raise it as parliamentarians of Chile. Come on, I wish the solidarity pillar could be expanded as much as possible“said the senator.
“I hope there is the ability to reach an agreement,” he assured. I do not give up the option to agree. But also, if the scenario is not given, I prefer to solve it with the votes“.