Senator Felipe Harboe. Agency One

Various reactions have generated the announcement of the senator for the Ñuble region, Felipe Harboe (PPD), who would resign his post in the Senate to run for the Constitutional Convention.

The former deputy and presidential candidate of the PPD, Jorge Tarud, pointed out that “Felipe Harboe not only has experience in constitutional matters, but also has a street. And that is very important for and that is very important to build a Constitution that represents us all and all Chileans “.

For his part, Deputy Matías Walker (DC), affirmed on his Twitter account that “his gesture of resignation from the Senate seat to dare to contest a quota as conventional, speaks very well of his leadership. It will undoubtedly be a tremendous contribution. Congratulations and success. “

In the same social network, Deputy Pablo Vidal (Ind.) Questioned that Senator Harboe “is wrong in saying that he would compete as a ‘simple citizen’, because a person who has been a member of parliament for the last 12 years has a huge advantage over others. candidacies. 80% said MIXED NO “.

While the president of Social Convergence, Alondra Arellano, remarked that “Harboe, the same one who being undersecretary of the interior assured that Matías Catrileo had died in a confrontation, the same one that a few weeks ago saved the former minister Pérez, announces that he will resign from the Senate to go to the constituent. People were clear: Mixed no, get it. “


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