Opposition deputies ask an investigative commission to analyze complaints about triangulations in AFP


As a result of the complaints about possible silver triangulations in AFP Habitat, deputies of the Christian Democracy officiated at the Superintendency of Pensions and requested an investigative commission, ensuring that “the country has every right to have these serious complaints clarified.”

According to DC deputies Gabriel Silber, Iván Flores, Joanna Pérez and Daniel Verdessi, “when these types of complaints are known, even involving the President of the Republic and when it comes to the silver of all Chileans, who, in addition, they receive miserable pensions, it is an ethical duty to supervise and demand that the state bodies fulfill their regulatory duty ”, as Silber said.

Meanwhile, Congressman Flores added that “the complaint made by Gino Lorenzini for triangulation of silver in the Habitat case is serious and must be investigated. Therefore, we have officiated both the Superintendent of Pensions and the Minister of Labor to report if it was audited according to the rules that prohibit the actions reported and what sanctions have been applied! They cannot enrich themselves at the expense of the miserable pensions of millions of Chileans. “

In the investigating commission, the deputies ask that “the veracity and legality of the denounced facts and of public knowledge with the companies mentioned and of the measures adopted in relation to the facts be reported”, if “there are infractions to DL 3,500 by AFP Habitat or its controllers, in particular, articles 45 bis and 47 bis “, if” there are infractions of the financial market regulatory norms by AFP Habitat, its controllers or other related actors “, and that” an audit is initiated to all the Pension Fund Administrators, in order to investigate eventual irregularities in the investments they make, sending to those who subscribe, the result of the audit “.

The DC are not the only ones asking for this investigative commission, since it is also requested by the PR Cosme Mellado, Renato Garín (IND) and Ricardo Celis (PPD).

In this regard, Mellado said that he is “analyzing, together with my team and together with the deputies Renato Garín (IND) and Ricardo Celis (PPD), all the information to present today a request for a special investigative commission in order to oversee the act of the Superintendency of Pensions, the Commission for the Financial Market and the act of the Presidency of the Republic, in light of a series of complaints that have been made about a possible violation of the law and a possible triangulation of money in the administrators of pensions and in the administrators of market funds. We will go to the end to discover and report this situation “.

Similarly, Deputy Ricardo Celis (PPD) added that “on behalf of the PPD bench we have joined the initiative of Deputy Garín and Cosme Mellado to push a special investigative commission to know in detail these serious facts of what known as the triangulation of President Piñera in Chile.This is an issue that needs to be clarified, even more so when we have learned of the Executive’s conduct in relation to the second withdrawal of the AFPs, and when we were on the verge of a reform of the pension system. pensions. This needs clarity and transparency, so we thank the deputies for working together with the rest of the benches so that we have clarity on this issue. “

For his part, Congressman Renato Garín, through his Twitter account, announced that “together with my brave colleague Cosme Mellado, from the Radical Party, we are going to request an investigative commission. We need to add 60 more signatures (…). The good news is that other deputies have joined, such as @Claudia_Mix and @ricardocelis. However, signatures are still missing ”.

Garín said that “the inaction of the Superintendencies should be investigated in view of the fact that Volcom, owned by Piñera Morel, receives 94 times the legal limit for the AFPs to invest in such funds.”
