The historic constituent plebiscite was held, the helmsman of the Party for Democracy (PPD), Heraldo Muñoz, confirmed his intentions to be the letter of his community and of the opposition that competes to reach La Moneda in the November 2021 elections.
“I am available to be a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic for my party, and hopefully in a primary of the center-left”, the former Chancellor briefly assured in The Cooperative Journal, anticipating that the details will be announced next Wednesday.
“But today is still the moment to take stock of this immense day that we experienced yesterday. October 25 will be the epic for the current generation as it was on October 5, 1988 for a generation that lived another enormous moment in the history of the country” , he stressed, highlighting the overwhelming triumph of the Approval in the plebiscite of the last day.
In that sense, “What we saw yesterday was a citizen triumph, born of pain and anger, but which harbors much hope; it is a victory for the people and not for politics itself”, highlighting that the people voted to draft a new Constitution “that unites us”, unlike the current one, inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship, which “has divided us.”
Likewise, in the results, he observes that “the great mandate of the citizens to power is that we agree”, and in the case of the opposition, before the also overwhelming triumph of the Constitutional Convention, “the challenge is to go together, without exclusions, hopefully looking for a single list, and if it were impossible, two lists, but no more than that; if not, the right, which is on the ground after the plebiscite, will be overrepresented. “
He specified the latter and, asking to analyze the numbers “calmly”, argued that “evidently all the right is not 21, 22 percent (percentage obtained by Rejection) “, because” it is probable that a phenomenon conditioned by the pandemic has occurred, that many have not gone to vote for fear of being infected, and may have conditioned the result in some way “; furthermore,” ¿ what about the 48 percent who didn’t vote? “he asked.
“To do too happy accounts would be exaggerated, but the results are cause for joy, the triumph of the citizens has been enormous, despite the terror campaign, despite the pandemic, despite all obstacles. People went to the polls, “he said.
“What is clear – he stressed – is that the extremes were defeated, the campaign of terror by the hard right and the violent sectors that were not interested in the plebiscite; in some way the spirit of November 15 is recovered”, date of 2019 when the political parties reached the Agreement for Peace that led to the constituent process.
Muñoz argued that citizens “are also protesting inequality, abuse, mistreatment (product of the system), for the prices of food, of medicines, for not making ends meet (…) the challenge of inequality is central and parallel to the new Constitution. “
That “merits that we can start working for the Chile of the future that we want”, a framework in which “some things will be more immediate than others, for example, I do not imagine that we can delay a true social security system, a profound reform to the pension system that leaves the AFPs behind “.
He proposed that the country turn towards a “welfare state”, and exemplified with “a Social and democratic state of rights, as it is established in constitutions such as the German or the Spanish; in that direction we have to go. “
He also considered that the results of the plebiscite also represent that “There is a questioning” of President Sebastián Piñera’s program, which “ended a long time ago, it has already failed (…) let us remember that he, his government and his program had said ‘we have no interest in a constitutional change, not even in a new constitution; and today we have Piñera celebrating that a new one has been agreed in peace. The best thing to do is interpret what is coming, and go in the direction of what people are asking for: the constituent process, the changes that are necessary. “