Despite the fact that President Sebastián Piñera celebrated this Thursday with great fanfare the approval in Congress of the law that puts an end to Sename, the Ombudsman for Children lowered the fumes to the presidential enthusiasm.
The entity headed by Patricia Muñoz regretted that the presidential veto has been approved in Congress, which in practice eliminates the condition that the Child Protection Service comes into effect only when the Guarantee System does, and summoned power Executive so that this last point is executed as soon as possible.
In the statement, the Ombudsman’s Office emphasized that it is “essential” that the Guarantee System be implemented first, with the objective that “the preventive approach is the one that leads the new institutional framework for children and adolescents and not to continue with the failed approach , that this new Service does not eradicate, which focuses on reactive and late responses when violations of their rights have already occurred and maintaining the same precarious intervention logic that has perpetuated their occurrence “.
“On several occasions we have revealed the need to understand that a system is made up of different components, which act in different spheres and levels to achieve a whole, in accordance with a logical and action framework that is based on an effective regulatory commitment to protection integral part of childhood and adolescence, which will only be realized with the approval and creation of the Guarantee System that, we hope, will be implemented, in accordance with the commitment declared by the Executive Power, as soon as possible, “the document says.
They also consider that “it is essential for the Executive Branch to understand that the only model that can ensure a human rights approach demands timely and effective work, through a System of Guarantees, in the promotion of rights, prevention of violations and administrative protection, focusing public efforts on preventing children and adolescents from being victims of violations and must be linked to a Service such as the one recently created, since the initial responsibility of the State of Chile is placed on the prevention of human rights violations. of them and them “.
“The Children’s Ombudsman hopes that the bill that creates the System of Guarantees is approved with the evident urgency that the prevention of violations of the rights of children and adolescents merits, due to the obligations contracted by the State of Chile since 1990 and that, within the deadlines that exist to start up the new Service, its implementation occurs with people who possess the knowledge and technical skills that focus their actions on satisfying the human rights of children and adolescents. adolescents who have to interact with the Service, and the harmful practices that, to this date, continue to unacceptably affect the life and physical and mental integrity of children and adolescents who are under the care of the State, preventing many of them from their harmonious and comprehensive development to the maximum of their potential, “he adds.
Other criticisms of the new service
Following the approval in the Senate of the presidential veto for the Child Protection Service to enter into force, an institution that will replace the National Service for Minors, President Piñera announced today that he will appoint María José Castro, currently undersecretary of Early Childhood Education, as the new implementing director of the new Child Protection Service. “We are making every effort to be able to give back to those children their love, joy and dignity,” he said.
According to the President, the Service to be implemented will allow specialized protection for children, incorporating families as subjects of care, promoting improvements in programs, and demanding higher standards from those who care for them.
In this regard, the Head of State pointed out that “the most important functions of this new service are to better protect the life, dignity, quality of life of all children and, especially, the most vulnerable children and the most vulnerable children. And for that we have to better protect their rights, better restore their dignity and better repair the damage caused ”.
However, the Children’s Ombudsman warned of “severe structural flaws” of the Child Protection Service and accused that it maintains “severe structural flaws.”
They also regretted “that the institutional recommendations destined to assure the country a true reform of this mechanism of state intervention, which ensures and guarantees the rights of children and adolescents who are deprived of their family environment and subjects of protection, have not been accepted. and care of the State “.
“In this sense, instead of adopting a financing system whose main objective is to ensure the human rights of children and adolescents, we continue with a subsidy system, severely and categorically questioned by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. , typical of a tutelary and charitable vision, perpetuating, precisely, the structure that has promoted and favored the violation of the human rights of children and adolescents “, they conclude, pointing to the heart of the new system promoted by the Government.