Nursing technician was the first Chilean vaccinated against Covid-19


In front of the President Sebastian Piñera and the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, Metropolitan Hospital staff administered the country’s first anti-Covid vaccine Thursday morning, marking the kickoff to the vaccination campaign in Chile.

The first Chilean to receive the first dose of the Pfizer formula is Zulema Riquelme 46 years old, a higher level nursing technician (TENS) who has worked for 26 years at the Sótero del Río Hospital.

It was something unexpected, but I am very excited; I hope that all people get vaccinated, trust and that they continue to take care of themselves, “said the official, who also said she was” very proud that they have chosen me, and I hope that my colleagues feel represented by me and that everyone is vaccinated. “

Regarding the doubts that arise around the effectiveness of the vaccine, authorized by emergency last week, Riquelme said that “I understand that people are distrustful, it is something new, but you have to have faith and trust, and that they get vaccinated while they can, as soon as possible and take good care of themselves. It is the only way that they help us to lower our workload. “

Subsequently, the doctor from the former Central Post was inoculated Juan Emilio Cornejo (42), the supervising nurse at Hospital Metropolitano Adriana arias (37), the coordinator of the kinesiological team at Hospital Metropolitano Oscar Vera (35) and the services assistant of the Metropolitan Hospital Ruth Herrera (52), thus ending the vaccination of the first selected group.

In this regard, Dr. Cornejo stated that this “is the beginning of a hope that we will be able to control the pandemic, and in that sense it is a very important day, I believe not only for myself, but for everyone “.

While nurse Arias said that the campus team is excited to have been “considered this direct line of care for patients and give the initial foot, and to continue adding the rest of the health personnel.”

For his part, the kinesiologist Vera affirmed that this fact “marks an icon in public health in Chile, being the first country in Latin America to receive the Pfizer vaccine “, but emphasized that” we cannot lower our guard, we have to continue with precautionary measures and self-care.

Finally, the assistant Herrera explained that “I decided to get vaccinated by my own decision,” mainly because it seeks “to take care of my family, which is the most important thing, to take care of myself, and continue doing what I like, continue working.”

I tell Chileans not to be afraid, get vaccinated. This is a hope for all of us, to be able to all be together, hug each other and let this happen, because it is like a nightmare for all of us, and today is the beginning, “he remarked.

Only in this venue there are 300 people registered to receive a dose.


The President withdrew as soon as Riquelme’s vaccination was complete and without issuing statements; The minister Paris and the undersecretaries of Public Health and Assistance Networks, Paula Daza and Alberto Dougnac, who later headed a press point on this first day at the Metropolitan Hospital, stayed at the vaccination center of the medical center.

Regarding the steps to follow in the vaccination campaign, the Minister of Health pointed out that “Next week we will continue receiving doses, and in January every week we will receive them”, reaching a total of 240 thousand, but he also anticipated that the Chinese Sinovac vaccine could be licensed by the end of next month.

“With this we don’t want to talk about triumphalism nor that we are a successful country. In fact, we are collaborating and we are going to collaborate with other countries that also need to vaccinate their population, “he said.

This is because the doses agreed with Pfizer are “more than 10 million”, and those agreed with Sinovac would be around that number as well; This will include the other government agreements with AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Covax, which in sum would give “approximately 30 million doses of vaccines” to come.

Regarding the number of people to be immunized with these first doses, a number that has been in doubt during this week, the minister clarified that “the distance between doses and doses is 21 days, and obviously We are going to use the 10,000 doses, waiting for 21 days to go anyway, we will have enough to place the second dose.“.

“We think that in the first quarter we are just going to have five million people vaccinated, and in the first half we are going to reach 80 percent of the population, which is what we consider necessary to have coverage that allows the rest of Chile be with enough defenses and sufficiently covered against the coronavirus, “said the health authority.
