The Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies was too tense when the project on greater transparency for market players was analyzed.
Before entering this meeting, the president of the instance, deputy Daniel Núñez (PC) had already expressed on Twitter that he would reject a project rule that sought to limit the change of funds from the AFPs by establishing deadlines for this procedure and that only effect between adjacent funds. “I am going to declare those ideas inadmissible because they have no relation to the matter of the project on transparency of private market agents. It is a legislative trap that the government has made … to establish a corralito with the savings in the AFPs, “he said.
In the Commission, the secretary of the instance declared that indication inadmissible, and the Executive decided to withdraw it. Given this, Núñez commented: “for the record, the Executive withdraws the indication as soon as it accepts the declaration of inadmissibility, I understood that from the minister’s words.”
To which the head of the Treasury, Ignacio Briones immediately added: “I correct it, President, because we do not agree with the admissibility criteria invoked here. To be honest, it is difficult for me to understand the reasons, but in the interest of good weather that this project continues and can move forward, we are going to withdraw that indication and replace it in a new project ”.
But the exchange did not stop there. The minister complained about Núñez’s qualifications, expressing his annoyance, and that he was disrespectful and his words were inappropriate.
And then the deputy Patricio Melero (UDI) warned the communist deputy: “if you do not withdraw your statements, I will pass it on to the Ethics Commission because you are having deplorable conduct that is not consistent with due respect for a president of commission must have towards a co-legislating power such as the Executive ”.
Núñez attacked: “I didn’t want to turn this into a personal debate. I want to remind deputy Melero that this is not the municipality of Pudahuel in the 80s when he was mayor appointed by the dictatorship, we are in a democracy and there is freedom of expression.
However, the project was approved in general and this Wednesday the debate continues in particular in the instance.