Ñuble: They discover illegal hunting and slaughter of a puma in the mountain sector of Pemuco


A cougar was illegally hunted and slaughtered in the Monte León sector, in the commune of Pemuco.

An anonymous call alerted officials from the Bulnes Office of the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), who went to the scene with the support of Carabineros from the Fourth Yungay Police Station, confirming that it was a Adult cougar, shot dead.

In the place it was found that the animal most of the meat and skull were removed, leaving only the skin and some remains.

Eduardo Jeria, SAG regional director, indicated that “this fact constitutes an offense, as it is prohibited by law to hunt pumas, because it is a protected species that is in danger of extinction “.

He added that due to the seriousness of the event, “a complaint will be filed with the Public Ministry“.

The remains were delivered into custody at the University of Concepción, where they will be applied expert opinions within the framework of the investigation.
