Nobel Prize in Medicine believes that Covid-19 was created in a laboratory in China


A controversial statement was made by French, Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008, since he assured in an interview with a media outlet in his country that the coronavirus COVID-19 is a virus created in a laboratory and also said that he believes that it contains genes of HIV, the AIDS virus.

Montagnier, one of the two virologists known to discover the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), told the French newsreel CNews that COVID-19 is a manipulated virus and questioned whether it was generated in a Wuhan food market, China.

“It is a beautiful legend, but it is not possible,” he said of the theory that the virus originated in a place that sold bat soup.

“The virus is coming out of a Wuhan lab,” he said.

In his opinion, the virus should have been modified and that it contains HIV sequences, although he did not want to blame anyone in particular. In fact, he believes it originated while someone was working on finding an AIDS vaccine. “It is the work of a sorcerer’s apprentice,” he said.

“The Wuhan City Laboratory has specialized in these coronaviruses since the early 2000s. They have experience in this area,” he added.

The specialist said that he analyzed the details of the sequence of the virus, just as virologists from India have done, and insisted that there are sequences of other viruses, such as AIDS.

If it were as the French doctor explains, the virus would not last longer in the coming years, since he explained that being an artificial virus, “it is unlikely to survive.”
