Agency One
This Monday, December 21, key information about the new University Transition Test (PDT) will be released. Students will know in which block they will have to take the tests: if it will be on January 4 and 5 or on January 7 and 8.
But those are not the only key dates in the process. On January 2, the students will know the place where they will take the test. However, this year there will be no room recognition process due to the pandemic. Only students with disabilities will have a special day for that, on January 3.
How were these decisions made?
Along these lines, the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas, explained to Publimetro that “the decision not to hold a room recognition session for all students was taken as part of the sanitary protocol that was worked on with the Ministry of Health and the Security Table convened for this occasion “. This,” in view of the situation generated by the pandemic and avoid crowds and transfers.
It is important to note that the group of people with disabilities was defined according to those who reported it. How much? At the time of registering to take the Transition Test. The Demre has already made contact with them via emails. All the rooms where the test will take place have natural ventilation, complying with the measures for the pandemic.
Why will the information regarding the locations that correspond to each student be given on January 2, just days before the test?
From the Undersecretariat of Higher Education they pointed out that “this has been a difficult year, especially for IV Middle students. “And in that context we want to provide a safe and calm environment so that everyone can take this transition test without problems.”
For this reason, they point out, among other measures, places have been chosen that allow the sanitary protocol to be properly implemented. “But additionally, the experience of last year has allowed us to acquire lessons, which have led us to make the decision to publicize the places of surrender on the stipulated date,” they added. This will minimize any possibility that the safe environment could be altered.
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